After Margaret and I had such a fun time at the fall hunter pace, we opted to go again this spring! This time, while I rode Rejoice again, Margaret rode her horse Jester and had a friend ride Ladyhawke. All Kennebec Morgans!! Jester and Rejoice have the same dam and Jester and Lady share the same sire. Unfortunately instead of a lovely late spring day, we had one of the first intensely hot and humid days of the year. It was definitely a bummer, but the ride was mostly in the shade of the woods and we had a great time! most of the fences were 3' coops but we found a small log and this hay to jump haha Until we didn't. 😑 We brought along a third friend who rode Margaret's older mare, Ladyhawke. She's a good rider but hasn't known Ladyhawke for very long and didn't realize how much of a cranky boss mare she could be at times. She kicked Jester right in the front leg just about halfway through the ride, and while the cut itself ended up not being a big deal in the...
I have not set my 2013 goals yet for several reasons. For one, I have been busy enough to let blogging slide, and while I have been doing a lot of thinking about what I want 2013 to look like, I just have not had a moment to sit down and write. Also, there are many things up in the air at the moment, so I just have not felt ready to put anything down "on paper", so to speak. (How is that for a sentence full of cliches?? LOL!) Hence, this is a list of hopes, not necessarily goals.
My wonderful old mare is going to be 31 this June. It does not seem possible that I have owned her now for twenty years!! As always, I just want to keep her healthy and happy and sound. She is a grand old girl and deserves the very best I can give her, since she has always given me her very best.
Just what in the WORLD can I possible accomplish with this mare, who has proven time and time and time again that she is one of the best ambassadors of a well rounded, versatile Standardbred!! Dreamy will be 22 this year (OMG, that sounds old.....) and I always allow her to tell me what she is willing and capable of. There is also no need to push a horse who has won everything and done everything. Of course, I am not going to stop showing, but I am also not motivated to just show for the sake of showing or accumulating more ribbons or awards. (It drives me insane to see people stay at the same level and just keep winning over and over at the same shows. Move up out of walk trot! Try a higher level and push yourself! Do you really need more blue ribbons to feel better about yourself? Sorry for the mini rant....but it is true!!!)
My Grown Up Filly is about to start a new chapter of her life. She has been listed for sale since December. While this is a bittersweet moment for me, I am very proud of her and know that she will excel at anything she does. My goal for Reva is to find the very best new home for her.
My plans for Snappy are a bit up in the air right now. Do I try to race her again? Just ride her? Try showing? There are so many possibilities. I do not expect her to do anything specific right now. I was not planning to own her, so it is not like I expect her to suddenly be my next dressage horse or eventer. I would love to see her do something in the "pleasure horse realm" eventually but who knows what her capabilities will be.
My wonderful old mare is going to be 31 this June. It does not seem possible that I have owned her now for twenty years!! As always, I just want to keep her healthy and happy and sound. She is a grand old girl and deserves the very best I can give her, since she has always given me her very best.
Just what in the WORLD can I possible accomplish with this mare, who has proven time and time and time again that she is one of the best ambassadors of a well rounded, versatile Standardbred!! Dreamy will be 22 this year (OMG, that sounds old.....) and I always allow her to tell me what she is willing and capable of. There is also no need to push a horse who has won everything and done everything. Of course, I am not going to stop showing, but I am also not motivated to just show for the sake of showing or accumulating more ribbons or awards. (It drives me insane to see people stay at the same level and just keep winning over and over at the same shows. Move up out of walk trot! Try a higher level and push yourself! Do you really need more blue ribbons to feel better about yourself? Sorry for the mini rant....but it is true!!!)
- Keep her healthy, happy, and sound (this is a given for all my mares)
- Continue to compete in horse trials at the Beginner Novice level, as long as she is comfortable and happy to do so - maybe three of them?
- Renew my Wentworth Hunt membership and try to attend enough hunts to attain our certified field hunter certificate
- Create and ride a Training level musical freestyle at the local GMO schooling shows
- Have fun - more team penning if there is an opportunity, marshaling at the track, trail riding in Acadia
- Attend Adult Eventing Camp in August with Denny Emerson (OMG so much excitement!!!!!)
My Grown Up Filly is about to start a new chapter of her life. She has been listed for sale since December. While this is a bittersweet moment for me, I am very proud of her and know that she will excel at anything she does. My goal for Reva is to find the very best new home for her.
My plans for Snappy are a bit up in the air right now. Do I try to race her again? Just ride her? Try showing? There are so many possibilities. I do not expect her to do anything specific right now. I was not planning to own her, so it is not like I expect her to suddenly be my next dressage horse or eventer. I would love to see her do something in the "pleasure horse realm" eventually but who knows what her capabilities will be.
- Keep her healthy, happy, and sound
- Treat her ulcers (in progress...sigh...poor girl!)
- Get her in race shape to either race or race under saddle? Either way, get her into good shape under saddle, since she has pretty much been eating and relaxing and taking little mini hacks around in the snow for the past two months!
- Try starting her as a pleasure driving horse? I have all the equipment for her.
- Bring her to a local show for in-hand or roadster under saddle? I despise in-hand classes, but it would be a way to try showing in a super low key way. And she would KICK ASS at roadster!!
No matter what, 2013 will be a wonderful year! :-)
Those are some great Hope/Goals, and its your older girls are very inspiring. I hope my gelding can keep going on 22 and still be around at 31.