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Showing posts from October, 2011

Wentworth Hunter Pace - June 6, 2021

After Margaret and I had such a fun time at the fall hunter pace, we opted to go again this spring! This time, while I rode Rejoice again, Margaret rode her horse Jester and had a friend ride Ladyhawke. All Kennebec Morgans!! Jester and Rejoice have the same dam and Jester and Lady share the same sire. Unfortunately instead of a lovely late spring day, we had one of the first intensely hot and humid days of the year. It was definitely a bummer, but the ride was mostly in the shade of the woods and we had a great time!  most of the fences were 3' coops but we found a small log and this hay to jump haha Until we didn't. 😑 We brought along a third friend who rode Margaret's older mare, Ladyhawke. She's a good rider but hasn't known Ladyhawke for very long and didn't realize how much of a cranky boss mare she could be at times. She kicked Jester right in the front leg just about halfway through the ride, and while the cut itself ended up not being a big deal in the...

Longing as a brief training technique

I am not a fan of longing horses.  In fact, before this past Sunday, I cannot remember the last time I longed a horse.  But with Reva's canter being a bit wonky at times (she will pick it up but has a hard time maintaining it whereas other times she is fine...) my instructor Judy recommended trying to build her canter on the longe for a short time.  My "ring" where I ride is really just a (not very level) area of Dreamy's grass pasture.  It is certainly not ideal to ride in, much less longe a horse!  Add to that my dislike of longing and I made the choice to bring Reva to Judy's for her first longing lesson.  While I feel as though I am  a capable horsewoman, I wanted to be with Judy in her level ring with excellent footing.  And plus, I figured I would need help teaching Reva how to longe and would need another person.  There is always the scary fact that a horse can fall on the longe line, so I wanted to be with Judy for suppor...

Marshaling at Scarborough Downs - Oct. 16, 2011

What a fantastic way to end the horse show season!  Back in July, my friend Shelly and I were asked to marshal at the 3yo Maine Sire Stakes Final at Scarborough Downs .  Marshaling at the track is one of my most favorite things to do!  It was a windy and chilly day, but at least the sun was out.  Post time was at 12:05, so we arrived early to get our horses ready.  Our horses are very similar looking and we wear identical clothing, so we always look snazzy as we bring down the post parades.  Dreamy and McKeever are best buds and know their job on the track.  They are calm and happy, which adds to the FUN! There were 14 races, which made for a very long day in the saddle!  Thankfully, much of what we do is standing around.  LOL!  We bring down the post parade (we trot down), stand off to the side of the track while the race goes, then we bring the winner back to the winner's circle.  Then we stand at the fence by the apr...

Sunset Farm 2-phase - Oct. 15, 2011

This past Saturday, Dreamy and I competed in a two phase at Sunset Farm in Waterford, Maine.  After many successful events at Elementary, I figured we might as well try to move up to Beginner Novice and see what happened.  I entered both the Elementary and Beginner Novice divisions, figuring that two dressage tests and two stadium jump courses would not be that taxing.   My first ride time was not until around 2:30, so I did not have to leave until noon time!  It is so bizarre to leave for a horse show that late!  LOL!  I cleaned the house and barn, went grocery shopping, bought grain, and still had time to bathe Dreamy and pack the trailer!  :-P  My friend Amber came along to help and take pics!  My camera died during the first jumping round (of course!) so there are not many pics.   Dreamy was super good, as usual.  Sunset Farm is small and there is a lot of stuff close to the ring, but she was fine.  One poor young...


"...the mares teach folks at horse shows all over New England just what a Standardbred can do – in every imaginable discipline." Thanks to Ellen Harvey at the USTA for the shout-out in her blog !  I love when my mares are featured!  Ellen is a wonderful supporter of the Standardbred athlete, both on the track and off!  :-D

Ever After Mustang Benefit Show - Oct. 8, 2011

Reva and I went to the Ever After Mustang Benefit Show on Saturday, October 8, 2011.  It was held at the Hollis Equestrian Park on one of the most gorgeous fall days.  I showed here before with Dreamy and have always enjoyed this laid back show.  The judge was a great horsewoman Jan Neil, and while I cannot remember why/how I know her, I was really happy to show under her.  I think she is a fair and knowledgeable judge.  It was Reva's last show for 2011, which has been her first year of showing.  To say I am proud of her is an understatement.  She has been so good this year and allowed me to have a great time bringing along a young horse. None of my friends decided to show that day, so I had to go alone.  So of course, I have no pics save for a few crappy ones from my iPhone.  :-(  Oh well.  I was not nearly as nervous as I was with Reva back in May, when I had NO idea how she would act.  So I was pretty comfortable showing...

RIP Gogo Fatale

I have no words for the sadness I feel for Andrea and her beloved mare Gogo .  Rest easy, beautiful girl.  Andrea, you are not alone...please know you are doing the right thing and I admire your strength.   Somewhere...somewhere in time's own space There must be some sweet pastured place Where creeks sing on and tall trees grow Some Paradise where horses go. For by the love that guides my pen I know great horses live again. ~Stanley Harrison

Hidden Brook Farm Dressage Show - Oct. 1, 2011

On Saturday, Oct. 11, 2011, I brought Reva to her second ever dressage show at Hidden Brook Farm in Norway, ME.  The first time she ever did a dressage test was back in August at the National Standardbred Show.  She was such a good mare that I thought it would try one more with her this season.  I had decided that if she showed improvement all year (which she did) that I would try a dressage test or two at least at Nationals.  I really did not expect to even ride a test with her this year, much less four of them!  I am glad we did it and it means that she will be ready to rock the dressage ring in 2012.  ;-)  We did not earn any dressage year end awards this year, since we did not do enough dressage shows to qualify.  But year end awards and ribbons were not my goals, but instead I wanted her to have a positive experience. In our two dressage shows this year, we did both Intro A and B.  I think that Intro B is easier than A.  I also ...

Sending love and support...

One of my favorite blogger friends, Andrea, is facing a very difficult decision right now with her gorgeous mare Gogo.  After several successful years of eventing, Gogo sustained an injury at the AECs two years ago.  Andrea has done absolutely everything in her power to help Gogo heal, but sadly it sounds like she might have to make the difficult decision to let her go.  I really admire Andrea as a horse person, rider, and woman.  It is completely heartbreaking to me to read her blog posts and Facebook statuses lately.  I never understand why bad things happen to great people and horses. Please take a moment to visit Andrea's blog and leave her a message.  I know fellow horse folks understand what it is like to have to make the kindest and most difficult decision for their beloved horse. We are all thinking of you, Andrea and Gogo.  xoxox