After Margaret and I had such a fun time at the fall hunter pace, we opted to go again this spring! This time, while I rode Rejoice again, Margaret rode her horse Jester and had a friend ride Ladyhawke. All Kennebec Morgans!! Jester and Rejoice have the same dam and Jester and Lady share the same sire. Unfortunately instead of a lovely late spring day, we had one of the first intensely hot and humid days of the year. It was definitely a bummer, but the ride was mostly in the shade of the woods and we had a great time! most of the fences were 3' coops but we found a small log and this hay to jump haha Until we didn't. 😑 We brought along a third friend who rode Margaret's older mare, Ladyhawke. She's a good rider but hasn't known Ladyhawke for very long and didn't realize how much of a cranky boss mare she could be at times. She kicked Jester right in the front leg just about halfway through the ride, and while the cut itself ended up not being a big deal in the...
- A picture of you and your horse
- A picture of your horse
- A picture of your best riding
- A horse that impacted your life
- The last time you rode your horse and what you did
- Your most accomplished horse
- Your best ribbon
- A little about the barn/stable you are at
- Any injuries you've gotten from riding
- How does your family and friends feel about your riding?
- Find a sale horse online that you want to buy
- Favorite horse color
- A picture of your worst riding
- Your dream barn/farm
- If you could say something to any one horse, what would you say?
- Your most recent fall
- Your equestrian idol
- Your favorite horse show picture
- A discipline you would like to try
- Your favorite horse show
- Your favorite schooling outfit
- Describe the importance of riding in your life
- First horse you rode
- Your best riding buddy
- Your dream trailer
- Biggest riding pet peeve
- You know you're an equestrian when....(list five things)
- Helmet or no helmet?
- Favorite, breeches, tops, helmets, etc
- Your future with horses