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Wentworth Hunter Pace - June 6, 2021

After Margaret and I had such a fun time at the fall hunter pace, we opted to go again this spring! This time, while I rode Rejoice again, Margaret rode her horse Jester and had a friend ride Ladyhawke. All Kennebec Morgans!! Jester and Rejoice have the same dam and Jester and Lady share the same sire. Unfortunately instead of a lovely late spring day, we had one of the first intensely hot and humid days of the year. It was definitely a bummer, but the ride was mostly in the shade of the woods and we had a great time!  most of the fences were 3' coops but we found a small log and this hay to jump haha Until we didn't. 😑 We brought along a third friend who rode Margaret's older mare, Ladyhawke. She's a good rider but hasn't known Ladyhawke for very long and didn't realize how much of a cranky boss mare she could be at times. She kicked Jester right in the front leg just about halfway through the ride, and while the cut itself ended up not being a big deal in the...

MHA Maine Event Horse Show - Sept. 25, 2011

This past Sunday was the last MHA horse show of the season.  The Maine Event is held at the Hollis Equestrian Park and is a Class A show.  I brought Reva to do four in hand classes and four riding classes.  She was a very good girl and I am super proud of her!!  I decided to ride her both saddleseat and hunt seat.  Professional photos by Unbridled Photography are HERE.  

Results for the day...
Championship 2-Gait Standardbred
1st place Standardbred 2-Gait Pleasure 
1st place Standardbred 2-Gait Equitation
1st place Open 2-Gait Pleasure
1st place Standardbred In Hand
1st place Hunter Horse In Hand
3rd place English Horse In Hand
3rd place Open Horse Halter Championship

In Hand...

Oh HIIIII judge!
This one makes me smile!  :-)

HIIIIII again judge!!

Love my Morgan wanna-be!  ;-D

I know her head needs to be higher...but she still looks really pretty!  :-D

Hunt seat...


It was a great day, despite the heat and humidity.  My friend Shelly couldn't bring McKeever, as she was marshaling at the Cumberland Fair.  While I did miss having her there, it was a lot of fun to spend time with friends Margo, Amanda, and Nathan.  They always make me laugh.  And Amanda had a WONDERFUL ride on her gorgeous 3 year old American Saddlebred, pinning second in ASB Country Pleasure!!!!  Yay Amanda and Gemma!!!

Thanks to my friend Amber for helping out as my groom and photographer for the day!  :-)


  1. What a good haul!! :-) You and Reva did amazing at that show! The pictures are really great. I love the look of the saddleseat - the clothing, tack, etc.

  2. Wow, well done!! Riva is a super mare!


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