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Wentworth Hunter Pace - June 6, 2021

After Margaret and I had such a fun time at the fall hunter pace, we opted to go again this spring! This time, while I rode Rejoice again, Margaret rode her horse Jester and had a friend ride Ladyhawke. All Kennebec Morgans!! Jester and Rejoice have the same dam and Jester and Lady share the same sire. Unfortunately instead of a lovely late spring day, we had one of the first intensely hot and humid days of the year. It was definitely a bummer, but the ride was mostly in the shade of the woods and we had a great time!  most of the fences were 3' coops but we found a small log and this hay to jump haha Until we didn't. 😑 We brought along a third friend who rode Margaret's older mare, Ladyhawke. She's a good rider but hasn't known Ladyhawke for very long and didn't realize how much of a cranky boss mare she could be at times. She kicked Jester right in the front leg just about halfway through the ride, and while the cut itself ended up not being a big deal in the...

And now, the REST of the story...

So, just how did I end up with another STB in my barn? :)

My friend H from SPHO-NJ periodically sends bulk emails to members when there is a horse who needs to be placed. This three year old filly came into my inbox around the beginning of June. I looked at her photos over and over, somehow feeling this horse had to be mine. I knew that someday I wanted to own another STB, preferably a 3 or 4 year old filly. Dreamy is a superb horse, but at 18 years old this year, I was starting to think about bringing a young horse along for the day when Dreamy needed to retire from competition.

I tried to forget about this gorgeous young filly. I admit I thought of her and would go back and look at her photos. It would be hard, but not impossible, to afford a third horse.

Then, lo and behold, my friend sent yet ANOTHER email about this filly. A month later she still needed a home. So I asked, "Alright, how much and do you think you could help me get her to Maine??"

So long story short, after a flurry of text messages and phone calls, Revenue Stream was shipped from NJ to Maine. Thankfully my good friend S's father was headed out to PA and NJ and was willing to bring her back for gas money. I was pretty lucky to have found someone whom I trusted to bring the horse to Maine. I was on pins and needles thinking about her coming up here, so I refrained from posting here or on Facebook, just because I did not want to jinx it. I am kind of weird that way! I did the same thing with my job at SVHS. But anyway...

Revenue Stream was bred by Peninsula Farm in Lexington, KY, owned by Carter Duer. His son John had the filly at his stable at Showplace Farm in New Jersey. (Yes, you need to click on the links and check out these OUTSTANDING STB farms!) John told me she was just not able to train down past 2:10, so because she would not make the three year old stake races, they needed to find a home for her. She never even raced to my knowledge. And John being the fabulous guy he is, GAVE HER TO ME with her papers! :)

The neat part is that my friend R works for John and my friend H absolutely fell in love with this filly. So I felt pretty confident that she would work out for me, despite the fact that I had never met her, because I trusted these guys! H actually even got ON her for the first time ever here in this pic, which is one of the ones she sent in the original email. :)

So I picked up the filly at Cumberland Fairgrounds on Sunday night. She was fine on the trip up to Maine and was fine on the 50 minute trip back to my farm. She settled right in, ate her dinner, and even laid down in her stall on Sunday night. Sparky was very excited for the new arrival, but then promptly did this when dinner was served.

She has been great. Her large paddock was split in half, so she is close but not too close. I thought she would be upset, but I think she likes the company. And the filly is SO easygoing.

Dreamy was the one I worried about, seeing as she is known for not getting along with ANYONE who is stalled next to her. Here was her face on Sunday night. LOL!

She actually never kicked her stall wall, which was amazing, but she did squeal like a piglet all Sunday night and all day Monday. But today all was finally quiet. I think the filly is attached to her though!

So we shall see! :D

Filly needed a new barn name, seeing as they called her Big Mare. I really wanted her to have her own nickname, but Revenue Stream did not lend itself well to a nickname. "Revie" was a cute idea, but it reminded me of a person I knew named "Evie" so I nixed that. I also thought "Penny" was cute, seeing as she never race and therefore never made a "revenue stream" for her owners....not even a penny! But she was just not a Penny at all. I thought about "Eva", because my son is completely crazy over that Disney movie Wall-E, and one of the little robots is named Eva. But it just did not seem to fit. I called her Filly and was praying that would not stick!!!!!

My friend B suggested Reva, which rhymes with Diva, and I loved it. It combined the Revie and the Eva. I like the fact that I was able to keep some of the Revenue part too. I strongly feel there is no reason for people to change STBs names at all. I have heard the sainted "rescuers" plead, "Oh but they need a new name to signify they have a new improved life!!" GAG ME. My mare was very well taken care of and does not have a "new life". Yes, she will have a new career, but she is just as cared for and loved as before. Racehorse owners and trainers are not all big bad people who abuse their horses. There are just as many bad Morgan owners, Saddlebred owners, QH owners, etc etc. Plus, I feel a STB's registered name is a very important part of who they are. Granted, I needed a nickname for my new filly, and Big Mare was not going to cut it. So I am pleased that Reva works!

Here she is, checking out her new digs.


  1. I loved reding you BLOG before, Now I am addicted, LOL!
    I am so happy you love her, I hope she will be all that you want, and then some.

  2. HEY! I will try to write as much as I can! LOL! I was totally in love the minute Mike handed me her leadrope. Such a sweet face and expression.

    I know Reva will be a fabulous riding horse someday and I will always remember that YOU were the first one on her back. Just wait until she is ready to come to the Nationals! :D :D :D

  3. She is such a pretty girl!!! And what a great story. I was at the Harness Racing Museum yesterday and I was talking to my Mom about how I want a Standardbred because all of yours from the rescue are so great. She made a face at the word rescue, but I explained that the STB rescue is not like a TB rescue. I am so excited for you and she looks like she is going to be a great horse for you! Was she a trotter or a pacer? and I LOVE the name!!!

  4. Hello daughter,

    I was so glad to read that you are being super careful with C around in the barn. Although not a horse person, I do realize how big they are and how tiny our little C is so thank you for reassuring me that all is good in your barn. I love you Elizabeth, mom xoxoxo

  5. She is definitely not a rescue though OTB. :) She came from a great farm and a great family. No rescue here! "Adoption" is a better word. :D

    And when you are ready, we could definitely find you a STB! ;-)

  6. Hey Mom! :)

    I know, I know....I was just posting those pics and thought OMG my mom is going to see these and call me on the phone to make sure I am not letting him get near Reva! LOL! :) You know I am super super careful...I just thought you might need to have a little disclaimer. :D


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