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Wentworth Hunter Pace - June 6, 2021

After Margaret and I had such a fun time at the fall hunter pace, we opted to go again this spring! This time, while I rode Rejoice again, Margaret rode her horse Jester and had a friend ride Ladyhawke. All Kennebec Morgans!! Jester and Rejoice have the same dam and Jester and Lady share the same sire. Unfortunately instead of a lovely late spring day, we had one of the first intensely hot and humid days of the year. It was definitely a bummer, but the ride was mostly in the shade of the woods and we had a great time!  most of the fences were 3' coops but we found a small log and this hay to jump haha Until we didn't. 😑 We brought along a third friend who rode Margaret's older mare, Ladyhawke. She's a good rider but hasn't known Ladyhawke for very long and didn't realize how much of a cranky boss mare she could be at times. She kicked Jester right in the front leg just about halfway through the ride, and while the cut itself ended up not being a big deal in the...

Good rides and show this weekend!

Well, this week has been terrible for riding. I did have three EXCELLENT rides in a row, Friday, Saturday and Sunday over the holiday weekend. The weather was gorgeous and Dreamy was so fun to ride! I got some very balanced canter transitions in each direction, plus some of the best long and low trot yet! I tend to throw away the reins, losing the contact, so I have been really focusing on pushing her out to the bit and maintaining that steady connection.

She was so good on Sunday that I actually tried re-introducing cantering from the walk. She was perfect to the left, as usual. And to the right, she was actually quite good!!!! :D The first time was a little unbalanced, but the two subsequent tries were quite NICE! I wanted to keep going, but it had been an hour and I knew better than to push it. But she is becoming SO FUN to ride that I have to remember to get off! LOL! Hopefully, the weather was start cooperating and I can take a lesson again SOON! I HATE NOT HAVING WEEKLY LESSONS! Yes, I am complaining....

I am feeling so thankful I have this blog. I happened to be looking back to find the post from last summer when Dr. Jefferson first came out to work on her. I got sucked into reading posts from last year, which was the intention of keeping this blog in the first place. I have been so busy lately that I have no had time to reflect on how far we TRULY have come. So many of my posts last year were about her meltdowns and how we had to work through them. But the weekend rides were just SO made me fully realize how far we have come! YAY DREAM GIRL!

I gave her Monday off, and then of course it POURED Tuesday and Wednesday. It was just brutal. I could have ridden in the rain, but it was so cold (low 50s) and I was just not in the mood to go on the trail (seeing as my field was underwater). So anyway, she got two unplanned days off. :( I will ride her tonight, and practice some of our movements from T2 and T4, because this weekend is a two day show in Dover Foxcroft, ME at a farm called Isaac Royal. We are riding both tests each day:

2:10 Training 2
2:41 Training 4

1:44 Training 2
2:15 Training 4

I am happy to have the tests close together. Plus, it is a three hour drive up there so thankfully I do not have to leave at 3AM on Saturday morning to get there for an early ride time! :D I do wish my Sunday times were in the morning, so I could be home earlier, but oh well. You can't always get what you want, right???

So send some good energy my way! :)

On another note, I am actively looking for a truck to replace my Honda Civic! WHOO! First of all, our 1991 one ton dump truck farm truck DIED the other day. Yeah, I was stuck in town with a load of shavings when it happened. Wicked fun! The towing charge was not much, but when I realized I could have purchased 8 more bags of shavings for the price, that seemed expensive! LOL! Also, it would be nice to have my own truck so I can do my shows and lessons without having to use my husband's truck.....which is his personal work truck that is pretty tried. He is a logger, so the poor thing is pretty beat up from bumping down logging roads and hauling around fuel and greasy equipment. ICK! Such a pain the neck. (Plus, there is nothing like pulling onto a show with your dirty smelly work truck surrounded by gorgeous one ton duallys pulling 4 horse Sundowners with LQ. The dressage queens nearly faint! LOL!!!!) So I am looking for a 3/4 ton, extended cab, 4WD, automatic truck, 2006 or newer!!! I hope to have something in the next few weeks or sooner! The tricky part is finding something that I can afford! :(

And Reva is going great! She is just a sweet mare and has settled in so well. I am excited to start working with her! My son is going to my mom's next week, so I will have TONS of free time to start playing with her.

Here are the mares the other morning at 5:30 AM. :)

Excuse the way my paddocks has been too wet to get the loader in to clean them out and the weeds have taken OVER! My pastures are rather lush it makes up for the crappy looking paddocks. :D


  1. Wow, it sounds like everything (except the broken truck) is going great. Knock wood that it will all continue, and get out there and have some more fun with your Standies!!!!

  2. Thanks AareneX! You know, it feels good to have things going well! The RAIN out here has been horrific, and yes the truck being dead is sad, but I am trying to be positive! :D

  3. I have told Duncan that you will probably be visiting him at some point next week. He immediately starting practicing his Airs Above the Ground just for YOU. LOL.

    Seriously, he is going well, just thought I'd wake you up a bit. We both know he can hang some serious air. Maybe I should teach him how to play basketball?? Ya think????

  4. Your times could not be more perfect! I take this as a good omen! And is this show USDF of schooling. I have a good feeling about this one. Our matching bridle tags will work their magic.

  5. J - Yeah Duncan can move alright. LOL!

    OTB - It is a USDF show. I am excited and hope to do well! :D The bridle tag will definitely be with us!

  6. I left you a blog award at my blog to pick up when you get the chance. I am so excited for you this weekend...I just...I think this is it. I think you will get your GAIG score! And don't forget to put in for your qualified rider certificate from USDF this will def. have enough scores. GOOD LUCK! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  7. OTB - Thanks for the blog award! I will have to go get it! :)

    I did not get a GAIG score (63%) BUT we did get an All Breed qualifying score of 60% at Training 4!!! WOOHOO! That was a huge milestone for us! So I am VERY pleased about that! I will blog all about it later. :) Off to do stalls and ride!

    I will have to look into the rider certificate from USDF....not sure if I qualify, but will have to make sure I put everything for year ends in correctly! LOL! First time doing it so I don't want to mess it up!


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